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Opening Ceremony of 2012 Tsinghua University Summer Camp Held for Prospective Master of Finance Students


QIAN Yingyi, Dean of SEM, delivered an opening speech to welcome all the participants to the summer camp. He said, as an important part of recruitment of postgraduate students of finance, this program is held for the second time and aims at providing a learning platform for junior students in universities nationwide interested in entering the finance industry to interact with professionals in both academic and practical fields. This year’s summer camp is jointly organized by Tsinghua SEM and PBS School of Finance. The coalition reinforces the strength of the program which is a major event for Tsinghua University and China. The goal of master of finance in Tsinghua University is to cultivate high-level application-oriented finance professionals to be capable of serving in various kinds of financial enterprises and government supervision department and equip students with theoretical knowledge in economics and finance, frontier knowledge and skills and innovative spirit which will enable them to adapt to the volatile financial markets.