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Associate Dean CHEN Guoqing Speaks at Management Education Forum


Professor CHEN Guoqing, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, participated in a management education forum themed “The Future and Challenges of World’s Business Schools” at the Shanghai Expo’s Spanish Pavilion on May 11, 2010.

The forum, held during the Expo, aims to enhance the communication between prestigious business schools in China and Spain.

Associate Dean CHEN Guoqing (second from the left) with participant Deans

Guests at the forum also include Deans from ESADE Business School, Instituto de Empresa Business School, HKUST Business School, Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, China Europe International Business School, Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University and School of Management of Fudan University.

“The role and responsibilities of China’s schools of economics and management entails two folds of meanings,” said Professor CHEN Guoqing in his speech, “the first is to serve China’s economic development by cultivating leaders and contributing cutting-edge academic knowledge; the second is to build a global vision that combines China roots with international reach.”

The contrasted nature of the tasks of business schools in China, according to Professor CHEN Guoqing, presents both opportunities and challenges.